
gate4:-stat.ic radio
a project for the international film festival rotterdam 2003.
an automated "scan"-score, for seven motion picture theatres, computer, radio transmitter and
800 receivers.
the present sound in seven theatres is captured and analysed by a computer program that will remix
the input to an ongoing wave of sound.
methods of remixing are determined by the amount of films playing in the seven theatres
at a certain point in time.
NEW: see us on TV (dutch)
the TV program '5 in het land' (RTL5) has covered our project in their show. you can watch it online at www.rtl5.nl (realmedia).
NEW: see us in the newspaper (dutch)
read the article in the first Daily Tiger (festival paper)
you can listen to -stat.ic radio at the festival site in rotterdam on 107.5 FM.
download a piece of -stat.ic audio here (1.4MB).
little portable 'ear-radios' were available for 2 euro.
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the static scanner scans all theatres for movies and counts the amount of movies playing at the specified time.
this is the score that switches the system at appropriate times.